논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제28권 제3호 2010년

반복자연유산에서 12번 응고인자 결핍증에 대한 연구

포천중문의과대학 산부인과학교실, 유전학연구실*, 임상병리학교실**, 내과학교실***

남윤성, 남윤성,김남근*,이수만*,강명서**,오도연***,차광렬

A Study of Factor XII Deficiency in Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion

Yoon Sung Nam, Nam Keun Kim*, Su Man Lee*, Myung Seo Kang**,Doyeon Oh***, Kwang Yul Cha

Objective: To evaluate factor XII deficiency in patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion and its relation to aPTT. Material and Method: Factor XII was analyzed by clotting method. Results: Of 70 patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion, there were 35 cases of factor XII deficiency. Among them, there were only 3 cases of prolonged aPTT. Conclusions: It is still unclear whether factor XII deficiency is related to recurrent spontaneous abortion. Molecular approaches should be used to understand further the causal relationship. But based on this result, in the workup of patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion, factor XII should be included. aPTT is not likely to represent the abnormality of factor XII.

키워드 : Factor XII deficiency, aPTT, Recurrent spontaneous abortion

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