논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제27권 제3호 2010년

Ca2+ 농도에 따른 생쥐 초기배의 발생

성신여자대학교 자연과학대학 생물학과

양정숙, 배인하,

The Development of Early Mouse Embryo Depend on Ca2+ Concentration

Jung-Sook Yang, In-Ha Bae

Department of Biology, College of Natural Science, Sungshin Women's University

Objective: This study was to determine the effect of different concentration of calcium in medium on the preimplantational development of zygotes and early 2-cell embryos. Methods: Female mice of ICR strain (5~8 weeks old) were superovulated and mated with fertile males. Zygotes or early 2-cell embryos were collected by flushing the oviducts 31~32 hours after hCG injection. The embryos were cultured in various concentrations of Ca2+ in medium or with EDTA, EGTA and Ni2+. Result and Conclusion: Treatment of high concentration of Ca2+ (3.42 mM (2X)~17.1 mM (10X)) in medium didn't develop well compared to control. Low concentration of Ca2+ (0.214 mM (1/8X)~0.855 mM (1/2X)) were detrimental to development beyond 2-cell stage. EDTA, Ca2+ chelating 1.71 mM Ca2+ showed beneficial effect to development to blastocyst of EGTA (0.014~0,107 mM) to the medium contaning 1.71 mM Ca2+. There is no significant difference with the control. Ni2+ (50 uM), T-type Ca2+. There is no significant difference with the control. EGTA, extracellular Ca2+ chelator, was treated with ranged concentrations of EGTA (0.014~0.107 mM) to the medium contaning 1.71 mM Ca2+. There is no significant difference with the control. Ni2+ (50 uM), T-type Ca2+ -channel blocker was treated to medium contaning low concentration of Ca2+. It overcame 2-cell block significantly. Rate of degenerated embryos decreased and developmental rate to morula and blastocyst increased more than low Ca2+ concentration alone. Further studies are needed for the overcoming effect of 2-cell block by Ni2+.

키워드 : Early 2-cell mouse embryo, Ca2+, EDTA, EGTA, Ni2+

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