논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제21권 제1호 2010년

정자의 여러가지 형태학적 특징에 따른 정자 침투능의 평가

가톨릭대학 의과대학 산부인과학교실;가톨릭대학 의과대학 산부인과학교실;가톨릭대학 의과대학 산부인과학교실;가톨릭대학 의과대학 산부인과학교실;가톨릭대학 의과대학 산부인과학교실;가톨릭대학 의과대학 산부인과학교실;가톨릭대학 의과대학 산부인과학교실;가톨릭대학 의과대학 산부인과학교실;


Evaluation of Sperm Penetration Ability according to Various Morphological Characteristics of Spermatozoa

Kim, J.H.;Jung, K.W.;Lew, Y.O.;Kwon, D.J.;Lim, Y.T.;Kim, J.H.;Nha, D.J.;Lee, J.W.;

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Catholic University, Medical College;Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Catholic University, Medical College;Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Catholic University, Medical College;Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Catholic University, Medical College;Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Catholic University, Medical College;Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Catholic University, Medical College;Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Catholic University, Medical College;Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Catholic University, Medical College;

Morphological estimation of human spermatozoa is complicated by the fact that there is great natural variation in shape. This natural variation in shapes makes it difficult to say which forms are associated with infertility and which are normal variations. Possibly post coital test or in vitro cervical mucus penetration tests will help to clarify this question by showing which sperm are capable of penetration. The purpose of this investigation was performed to assess distribution of various morphological abnormalities according to the ability of sperm to penetrate cervical mucus. The sperm-mucus penetration using hen's egg white as substituting mucus for human cervical mucus was done in 45 fertile men with normal semen analysis and 122 infertile men with abnormal seminal parameters more than one. The female partners of 122 infertile couples showed normal results in the female fundamental test for fertility. Conventional semen analysis was evaluated according to the WHO standard normal(l980). The detailed classification of the abnormal sperm was made according to David et al(l975). The vitality of the sperm samples determined by eosin yellow-nigrosin stainig according to the method of Eliasson(l977). Results were as follw; 1. The patients had significantly lower total sperm count, motility (%), normal morphology (%), viability and total functional sperm fractions(TFSF) than fertile donors. 2. The mean value of sperm penetration distance of the patients(28.69${\pm}$11.02mm) showed significantly lower than fertile donors(37.33${\pm}$5.49mm). And 43/45 fertile donors(95.5%) as well as 57/122 patients(46.7%) had over 30mm in sperm penetration distance respectively. While 2/45 fertile donors(4.5 %) and 65/122 patient(53.3%) had under 30mm in sperm penetration distance respectively. 3. The morphological abnormalities in fertile donors were significantly lower 23.04${\pm}$5.83% (head = 12.89${\pm}$4.98, neck=6.11${\pm}$3.83%, and tail=3.43${\pm}$2.65%), compared to 36.03${\pm}$14. 40% in patients(head = 15.98 8.60%, neck 11.20${\pm}$6.56% and tail=8.70${\pm}$6.55%). Also, 3 types of sperm abnormalities including head, neck and tail were significantly lower in patient than fertile donors, respectively. Both the patients and fertile donors showed higher distribution of sperm with abnormal head than abnormal neck and tail. 4. The mean morphological abnormalities(SP>30mm) of the patients(30.68 11.64%; head = 15.95${\pm}$9.35%, neck=8.14${\pm}$4.21 %, tail=6.56${\pm}$5.64%) were significantly lower compared to patients(40.72${\pm}$15.01 %; head=16.02${\pm}$7.69%, neck 13.89${\pm}$7.82%, tail=1O.58${\pm}$6.75%) under 30mm in sperm penetration distance. Also, both groups over 30mm and under 30mm in sperm penetration showed distance higher distribution of sperm with abnormal head than abnormal neck and tail. The morphological abnormalities of head did not show significant difference but abnormal neck and tail were significant difference between the over 30mm and under 30mm group in sperm penetration distance.

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