논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제36권 제4호 2010년

생쥐 난포의 체외배양 중 생식샘자극호르몬에 따른 미세리보핵산 발현 양상

서울대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실1, 서울대학교 의학연구원 인구의학연구소2

김용진1,2, 구승엽1,2*, 김윤영2, 오선경2, 김석현1,2, 최영민1,2, 문신용1,2,

Profiles of microRNAs in Mice Follicles According to Gonadotropins during in vitro Culture

Yong Jin Kim1,2, Seung-Yup Ku1,2*, Yoon Young Kim2, Sun Kyung Oh2, Seok Hyun Kim1,2, Young Min Choi1,2, Shin Yong Moon1,2

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, 2Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Population, Medical Research Center, Seoul National University

Objective: MicroRNAs (miR) are known to repress target genes at post-transcriptional level and play important roles in development and maturation of cell. However, the expression profiles of miR during ovarian follicle maturation have not been fully elucidated. Here, we designed this study to investigate the expression profiles of miR in oocytes and granulose cells (G-cells) after in vitro culture according to gonadotropins and adding hCG. Methods: Ovaries from 12-day-old mice (C57BL6) were removed and preantral follicles were isolated and cultured in 20 μL-drop of culture media with supplementation of either rFSH, rLH, or rFSH + rLH. After their full maturation, follicles were incubated with rhCG and rEGF. RNA was isolated from oocytes and G-cells, and real-time PCR were performed with primers of miR known to be expressed in the mouse ovary (mmu-miR-16, -miR-27a, -miR-126, -miR-721). Results: FSH + LH group showed the highest ovulation and MII rates among gonadotropin groups. The profiles of miRs in oocytes and G-cells differed according to gonadotropin groups and adding hCG. The profiles of miRs showed divergent changes between oocytes and G-cells. Conclusion: miR expression profiles are altered by gonadotropins and supplementation of hCG during in vitro maturation of murine follicles. Target gene study must be necessary to validate these findings.

키워드 : MicroRNAs, Gonadotropins, In vitro culture, Mouse

교신저자 : jyhsyk@snu.ac.kr
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