논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제26권 제1호 2010년

흰쥐 자궁 상피와 내막에서 기원한 세포주의 체외배양

울산대학교 의과대학 서울중앙병원 산부인과 서울대학교 자연과학대학 분자생물학과*

강병문, 이석원, 채희동, 강은희, 추형식, 김정훈, 장윤석, 남주현,

In Vitro Culture of Nontransformed Cell Lines Derived From Rat Endometrial Epithelium and Stroma

Kang bm, Lee sw, Chae hd, Kang eh, Chu hs, Kim ch, Chang ys, Nam jh


Since the blastocyst is broken and spreads out on a flat plastic culture dish (two dimensional culture) during in vitro development, it has been difficult to study the implantation process. It also has been difficult to analyse the interactions between endometrial epithelial and stromal cells because of the lack of a long-term in vitro model which can stimulate in vivo characteristics, as these cells eventually fail to proliferate or cease to express differentiated functions. Recently nontransformed cell lines, CUE-P and CUS-V2, derived from rat endometrial epithelium and stroma were reported. In this study, morphology of CUE-P and CUS-V2 was examined and oxytocin gene expression by CUE-P cells was demonstrated by RT-PCR. The CUE-P cells have a cuboidal morphology and CUS-V2 cells resemble fibroblast and exhibit a spindle-like morphology. In RT-PCR, same size of PCR products of oxytocin gene at hypothalamus, uterus and CUE-P cells were demonstrated. These results showed three dimensional culture system could be made by using the new cell lines.

키워드 : Uterus, Epithelium, Stroma, Rat, CUS-V2, CUE-P

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