논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제25권 제2호 2010년

염색체 이상에 의한 반복 유산 환자에서 체외수정시술 및 착상전 유전진단을 통한 임신 성공 1례

울산대학교 의과대학 서울중앙병원 산부인과학교실

정진석, 채희동, 전용필, 김정훈, 강병문, 장윤석, 목정은,

A Case of Successful Pregnancy in Patient with Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion by Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis following IVF-ET

Jeong js, Chae hd, Cheon yp, Kim ch Kang bm Chang ys, Mok je

It was reported that the etiologies of recurrent spontaneous abortion are immunologic factors, endocrinologic problems, anatomical abnormalities, genetic abnormalities, infection, and unexplained factors. Among those etiologic factors, genetic abnormalities occur in about 5% of the couples who experience recurrent spontaneous abortions, and most common parental chromosomal abnormality contributing to recurrent abortion is balanced translocation. The advent of in vitro fertilization (IVF), the development of skills associated with the handling of human embryo, and an explosion of knowledge in molecular biology have opened the possibility of early diagnosis of genetic disease in preimplantation embryos. Therefore preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is indicated for couples, infertile or not, at risk of tranmitting a genetic disease. A case of successful pregnancy and term delivery by PGD using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique in patient with recurrent spontaneous abortion due to balanced translocation is presented with brief review of literatures.

키워드 : Recurrent spontaneous abortion, Balanced translocation, Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), Flu

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