논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제25권 제2호 2010년

생식주기에 따른 자성 생쥐의 생식기관의 Matrix Metalloproteinase의 단백질 발현

서울여자대학교 자연대 생물학과, 한양대학교 자연대 생물학과1, 연세대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실2

김문영, 이기원, 김해권, 김문규, 조동제,

Protein Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases of Mouse Reproductive Organs During Estrous Cycle

Kim my, Lee kw, Kim hk, Kim mk, Cho dj

Protein expression patterns of matrix metalloproteinases(MMPs) were examined in mouse reproductive organs during estrous cycle. Estrous cycle was classified into diestrus, proestrus, estrus or metestus and MMP expression was analyzed by zymography using gelatin as a substrate. Uterine fluid(UF) obtained both at diestrus and proestrus exhibited 4 major MMPs including 106kDa, 64kDa, 62kDa and 59kDa gelatinases. However, in UF at estrus, the gelatinolytic activity of 64kDa MMP disappeared and that of 106kDa and 62kDa MMPs dramatically decreased. At metestrus, 64kDa MMP activity reappeared and 106kDa and 62kDa MMP exhibited increased activities such that the band intensity of 106kDa was comparable to that in UF at diestrus. Gelatinolytic activity of 59kDa MMP was not changed throughout the cycle. Both ovarian and oviductal tissue homogenate revealed 4 MMPs which corresponded to the 4 MMPs of UF. However, unlike UF MMPs, gelatinolytic activity of these MMPs did not show distinct changes throughout the cycle. Either an inhibitor of MMP, 1,10-phenanthroline, or a metal chelator, EDTA, abolished the appearance of the above MMP activities in gelatinated gel whereas a serine proteinase inhibitor, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride failed to inhibit the appearance of MMP activities, proving that gelatinolytic activity of the above reproductive tissues were due to the enzymatic activity of MMP. When gelatinolytic activity of mouse serum was examined, it revealed 5 MMPs(131kDa, 106kDa, 89kDa, 64kDa and 62kDa bands) and one gelatinase(84kDa) band. From these results, it is concluded that the protein expression of MMPs of mouse reproductive organs, particularly uterus, is temporally regulated during estrous cycle and uterine 106kDa, 64kDa and 62kDa MMPs are suggested to play an important role in cyclic tissue remodeling of mouse uterus.

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