논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제25권 제1호 2010년

신생아제대혈청이 난자성숙과 난구세포 분산에 미치는 영향

전남대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실

이여일, 박현정, 권영숙,

Effect of Human Cord Serum on Oocyte Maturation and Cumulus Cell Expansion

Lee yi, Park hj, Kwon ys

This study was performed to investigate the stimulating effect on oocyte maturation and cumulus cell expansion in TC199 media by human cord serum (HCS) supplementation. Immature mouse oocyte cumulus complexes (OCCs) were cultured in TC199 media supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA), HCS and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) instead of luteinizing hormone (LH) respectively, and the expression of cumulus expansion and oocyte maturation were observed. After 4hr and 24hr culture with or without OCCs, media containing 0.4% BSA, 10% HCS and 10 IU hCG respectively were collected and analyzed for changing concentrations of estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4), testosterone (T) and PGF2α. There were no elevation of E2, T and PGF2α by OCCs culture, but minute elevation of P4 level by 24hr OCCs culture in hCG supplementation (p=0.048). The stimulating pattern of cumulus expansion of OCCs by HCS and hCG supplementation was similar to our previously report using Ham's F-10 media, however oocyte maturation rates after 24hr OCCs culture in all media were increased by 20∼30% compared to Ham's F-10 media. These results suggest that LH in HCS induce cumulus expansion probably by P4 secretion of OCCs, and TC199 is efficient media for immature mouse oocyte maturation.

키워드 : Oocyte maturation, Cumulus expansion, Human cord serum, Oocyte-cumulus complex.

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