논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제27권 제4호 2010년

사람 난포액의 처리 방법과 Sample이 생쥐 수정란의 체외 발달율에 미치는 영향

진주 가야자모병원 불임 유전 연구소, 경상대학교 과학교육학부

전병균, 최연희, 조은정, 송건호, 곽대오, 문진수, 김광철,

Effect of Treatment and Samples of Human Follicular Fluid on Development In Vitro of Mouse Embryos

Byeong-Gyun Jeon, Yeon-Hee Choi, Eun Jung Jo, Gun- Ho Song, Dae-Oh Kwak, Jim-Soo Moon, Kwang-Chul Kim

Institute of Human Infertility and Cytogenetics, Chinju Kaya Mother-Child's Hospital.


The present study was performed to investigate the effect of treatment and samples of human follicular fluid (hFF) on the development in vitro of mouse embryos. The two cell stage embryos collected at 40 h post-hCC injection were cultured in the modified human tubal fluid (m-HTF) containing 15% synthetic serum substitute (SSS) or human tubal fluid (hFF) for up to 3 days at 37℃ in 5% CO2 incubator. Also the composition of hormone, total protein and protein pattern of hFF samples were analyzed. The developmental rate of hormone, total protein and protein pattern of hFF samples were analyzed. The developmental rate of mouse embryos developed to blastocyst were not significant difference in the m-HTF containing 15% hFF sample A (90.5 and 85.4%, respectively) and SSS (79.4 and 75.3, respectively) were significantly (p<0.05) increased, compared with hFF sample B (64.2 and 54.1%, respectively). The hFF sample A tended to be higher concentration of LH, FSH, total protein and the ratio of progesterone/E2 and lower concentration of E2 and progesterone than the hFF sample B, but there were no differences in the protein pattern between the two hFF samples. The results of these study suggest that the addition of hFF to the culture medium enhances the development in vitro to blastocyst and hatched blastocyst, but the in vitro development rate of mouse embryos is different between hFF samples.

키워드 : Human follicular fluid, In vitro culture, Embryos, Mouse

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